1970 - The happiest birthday on earth

The cherry on the cake of my family's round-the-world trip in 1970 for me was definitely Disneyland. On my birthday. Like, wow!

As the child of relentless travellers, I often felt a trifle neglected when confronted with yet another cathedral, art gallery, museum and so on. And remember this was back in the day before child-friendly exhibits. I was occasionally rewarded with a trip to the local zoo, which could be a bit hit-or-miss, depending on how the poor animals were housed.

So far this trip I'd enjoyed some child-minding on the QE2 (on its ferry-trip from Southhampton to New York), I'd poured my Slinky down many hotel stairs, and I'd gone trick-or-treating (as a tiger) on the streets of suburban Philly. But I'd also had to endure many hours on Greyhound buses, as this was my father's favoured way of seeing the US. I get car-sick in buses, so I slept a lot of the way. But towards the end of our trip, we suddenly boarded a plane in New Mexico, and landed in California a short time later.

On our taxi ride from the airport to the hotel late at night, I woke up enough to see a sign printed with the outline of a castle, pointing the way to Disneyland. In my best-behaviour voice I asked if we "might just go and have a look at the castle, even just from the outside, we don't have to go in." This caused my parents to dissolve in laughter and explain to me that the entire day - my eighth birthday! - was to be spent at the theme park.

I don't know how I slept, but I was up early and clad in my birthday best for the day. And my father and I went on every ride that was open. I think my mother had a very boring day. Of course, a few rides were closed (it was November, after all) so I never went on the Pirates of the Caribbean. But I did go in the submarine ride, and on a rocketship, and in the Ghost House (twice!). I didn't get Mickey ears but I did get my name on a straw boater to take away with me, along with a blur of memories. I pulled Pinocchio's nose (poor man-in-the head) and he pulled mine back.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

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